colic Treatment for your fussy baby
Baby colic symptoms can disrupt your entire home. A fussy baby is a normal part of parenting, but only occasionally. When an infant stays fussy for days or weeks at a time, parents can feel powerless, and tensions can rise. According to several of our patients, Mylicon drops often fall short of their claims, and traditional medicine has no other treatment to offer.
mothers diet and breastfeeding
Mother’s diet (if breastfeeding) for faster recovery
How to know if you are eating a food that is making it worse? See the suggested list of foods below and follow these helpful tips and in combination with Dr. S’s treatment, the road to recovery should be much quicker.
Many people have some differences in the list of foods that they can eat. The best way to find all your “yes” foods is to go all the way to basics and add one food in at a time. This method is used to find food allergies as well. It is suggested to begin with chicken, turkey (plain) and bread/pasta (plain).
If you are still having issues, read the ingredients of what you are eating. For instance, one patient of mine was eating Honey Nut Cheerios each morning- the nuts are bad. Also, granola bars are hard to find without rice or crushed nuts or cinnamon. You may need to eventually get rid of eggs for a short time also, and watch things like turkey bacon, the smoke seasoning could make it worse. That includes any special seasonings you use to grill or cook with; they usually contain some sort of garlic or dried onions.
Don’t over look the stuff on your sandwich . . . mustard, and pickles could aggravate it and for some even mayonnaise because of the eggs.
This list will be different for everyone, but is a starting place and a way to not give up so fast on breastfeeding. If you are still having trouble, one suggestion that a patient of mine did was pump everything and go formula for one week and see how fast your baby will improve. Then after the baby has improved with the colic treatments, add breast milk back gradually fro the baby, you might not have to cut out as many foods.
Most patients report being able to eat the bulk of the “no” list with the exception of chocolate and caffeine within 2-3 weeks after completion of treatment. Add each item in slowly to see if there is a reaction.
How to know if you are eating a food that is making it worse? See the suggested list of foods below and follow these helpful tips and in combination with Dr. S’s treatment, the road to recovery should be much quicker.
Many people have some differences in the list of foods that they can eat. The best way to find all your “yes” foods is to go all the way to basics and add one food in at a time. This method is used to find food allergies as well. It is suggested to begin with chicken, turkey (plain) and bread/pasta (plain).
If you are still having issues, read the ingredients of what you are eating. For instance, one patient of mine was eating Honey Nut Cheerios each morning- the nuts are bad. Also, granola bars are hard to find without rice or crushed nuts or cinnamon. You may need to eventually get rid of eggs for a short time also, and watch things like turkey bacon, the smoke seasoning could make it worse. That includes any special seasonings you use to grill or cook with; they usually contain some sort of garlic or dried onions.
Don’t over look the stuff on your sandwich . . . mustard, and pickles could aggravate it and for some even mayonnaise because of the eggs.
This list will be different for everyone, but is a starting place and a way to not give up so fast on breastfeeding. If you are still having trouble, one suggestion that a patient of mine did was pump everything and go formula for one week and see how fast your baby will improve. Then after the baby has improved with the colic treatments, add breast milk back gradually fro the baby, you might not have to cut out as many foods.
Most patients report being able to eat the bulk of the “no” list with the exception of chocolate and caffeine within 2-3 weeks after completion of treatment. Add each item in slowly to see if there is a reaction.
Tomatoes Fruit (except bananas)
Rice Chicken
Nuts Turkey
Broccoli Cheese
Cauliflower Vanilla Yogurt
Celery Milk
Lettuce Vanilla Ice Cream
Chocolate Carrots
Caffeine Bread
Cinnamon Pasta
Garlic Butter
Onions Green Beans
Peppers Corn
Eggs Potatoes
Tomatoes Fruit (except bananas)
Rice Chicken
Nuts Turkey
Broccoli Cheese
Cauliflower Vanilla Yogurt
Celery Milk
Lettuce Vanilla Ice Cream
Chocolate Carrots
Caffeine Bread
Cinnamon Pasta
Garlic Butter
Onions Green Beans
Peppers Corn
Eggs Potatoes